PBGetCatInfo call failed. Saveset (product) files must all reside in the same hard disk directory location Unable to read installation header information. File '%s' already exists on the destination. Overwrite or skip file copy? Unable to create directory Checksum error on copied file Copied files data or resource size does not match expected size. Error decompressing file information Internal processing error - length of product group does not match internal information for files specified. Internal processing error - number of files in product group does not match number of files read. Unable to get volume information on disk just loaded. Unable to open saveset file on disk. Unable to open window (resource id = %d) Too many open files - file list overflow Unable to get information on input file Unable to get information on output file Open A New File Failed - Resource Fork Get file information call failed. Error reading input file. Unable to open a working directory - Processing aborted Unable to create directory. Try again, Cancel, or Quit? PBDelete call Failed Deleting a Duplicate File Failed Change Disk and Move File Pointer Failed Unable to allocate required memory. Group Info Read Failed. Rez File Close Failed Open A New File Failed - Data Fork Open/Close Working Directory Failed No Standard File Interface found !!! Header read incorrectly !!! Checksum failed !!! Write failed !!! Run out of installation disk space Rez file switch failed. Reset file info failed. Create a file on the hard disk failed. MicroStation will not run on a system with a 68000 or 68010 processor. MicroStation requires a system with Color QuickDraw. MicroStation requires a System File version greater than 6.0.0. MicroStation requires a system with a floating point coprocessor.